Hi folks! Welcome to Harmony Hills! I'm excited today to share some of the photos from my recent visit to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Because of the gorgeous plants on display there, my checkbook is in big trouble - my "Must Have" plant list is now much longer that it was before this trip!
Let's just get started with some of the gorgeous plants we saw on this visit.
First up: Garden Phlox. I've had to swear off of it for a while because of the deer in the neighborhood. But now? We have a FENCE! and so that means we're gonna have PHLOX again!
Phlox paniculata 'Flame Pink' |
Phlox paniculata 'Miss Pepper' |
Phlox paniculata 'David' |
Next on the must-have list: some new hosta selections. I have lots of plain solid green hosta. Lots. Too much. I want to branch out into other more interesting colors and variegations and forms. These looked great, and would look great in MY yard too!
Hosta 'First Frost' |
Hosta 'Orange Marmalade' |
Hosta 'Halcyon' |
Next up: some common plants that I've had in the past, but just don't have in our current gardens since moving here a year ago. Some of these are past their peak, but I know what beauty they bring to the summer garden. So yep, gotta get these.
Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue' |
Calamintha nepeta - lesser Catmint |
Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Catmint |
Oh, the coneflowers. So many coneflowers. I do have some, but I don't have
these. So on the "must have" list they go!
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' - Purple coneflower |
Hydrangea - this was 10 feet tall and wide! I think there were three shrubs in here, but still, so awesome! Gotta get me some 'Limelight'!
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' |
This scotch pine selection might be a great solution for our steep side hill? Gotta look into that more.
Pinus sylvestris 'Hillside Creeper' Scotch Pine |
And this is a dwarf Colorado Blue Spruce - if it's "dwarf" enough, it might find a home in our yard. If our climate works. Maybe. Hopefully.
Picea pungens 'Sester Dwarf' Colorado Blue Spruce |
More plants that I've had in eh past, but don't have right now. That must be changed. It's just not right!
Lovely herb garden filled to the brim |
Carpet of common thyme |
Verbenas and lantanas - great summer combo |
Russian Sage - oh how I've missed you |
I've got 'Autumn Joy', but these sedums are calling out to me, too.
Sedum 'Dazzleberry' |
Sedum 'Pure Joy' |
Of course, in 1200+ acres of gardens and plantings, I found lots and lots of plants that I haven't ever planted but now covet like crazy. Here are just a few that caught my eye (or, in some cases, my nose).
Madonna Lily - my husband says he "doesn't hate" the scent, so it's on the list! |
Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty' makes a great border |
Rosa 'Iceberg' - would this Zone 4 rose work in my Zone 7 garden? |
Spirea japonica 'Little Princess' - a great low hedge |
These purple foliage plants caught my eye too.
Strobilanthes dyerianus - Persian Shield |
Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart' Spiderwort |
Love this purple border |
Well, I guess I'll draw the line here. I took hundreds more photos, but I'm pretty sure that would be overkill to post them all here. ;-)
I'll just leave this pretty picture that puts me in mind of Little House on the Prairie. There's such beauty in our world, whether we have arranged the plants in pretty rows or not.
Prairie Beauty |
Thanks so much for following along as I make my wish-list of plants way too long. Do you have that same problem? Tell me what your "Must Have" plants are in your garden, I'd love to hear about it! Join me in the comments section down below. Hope to see you there!
Here at Harmony Hills we're always out there digging around... Did you see this post on
How to Divide Hostas? Come take a look!
Getting a clean edge on the flowerbed makes the yard look great... check out
these easy steps:
Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Pinterest to get more tips and information about caring for your yard and garden.
Hi Jenny.... thanks so much for visiting my blog on Blogger.... I've checked out your site on Wordpress and am impressed.... wondering if I should think about a change myself but of course I know nothing about making a switch at this point.... I'm curious as to what happens to the roughly 750 posts in my archives.... do you recommend a site for info that is particularly good regarding the change? Thanks, Larry